Saturday, March 17, 2007

About the title

I once knew a guy who had a personal game where he would attempt to develop the most exquisite complements for people he knew. When he finally got around to me, he decided that I was a wry juxtaposition of something and something else (he actually had words in place of the somethings, but the memory of them has faded) (it was something like innocence and a mouth like a sailor or intelligence and humor). At first I was not a happy camper. It seemed to me that this was not a complement at all (I was about 16). However the idea of my personally being made up of disparate parts, a personality formed by holding these parts in uneasy relationship with one another, that stuck with me.

I am really bad about blogging. This is actually the third or fourth attempt at a blog. I make no promises about being better. What I do promise is that what I post here will be true, and it will undoubtedly be a little weird.

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