Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Plague, or why I haven't shoveled the walk

There's the scene in Interview with a Vampire (and I'm thinking the film here) where Louis has become terrible hungry and so he goes down to a part of town where lots of people are sick so he can have a bite out. The why of the scene is less what I'm getting at than the visual of the shanties huddled close to one another each with huge X's on the doors to warn others that this is a house that disease has touched. I feel like I should be putting an X up on our doors. I wonder what Peoria would look like if we had to mark the spread of the flu this season. It's been pretty bad. When there is snow on the ground we're supposed to clear a path for the postal carrier, but being as sick as we are neither Carson or I have felt well enough to do more than just the basic housekeeping (shoveling snow falls outside of that list).
I usually am able to muster through times of sickness with little or no consequence, but this year I have been knocked squarely on my butt. Carson and I have been little petri dishes -- microbial wonderlands. We've managed to pick up and share whatever is going on here. I still have a cough and the remnants of one of the worst ear infections I can remember.
All I can say is, buy Walgreen's stock...I alone have boosted their profits for this quarter.

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